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本帖最後由 rileyyk47 於 2020-8-10 18:35 編輯
佢唔會為選票講假話 ...
kenneth 發表於 2020-7-29 01:24

You can't possibly be defending Trump in a thread that's supposed to be pro-democracy.

He doesn't lie for votes? Are you high? He has been PROVEN to have lied hundreds of times during his initial election and throughout his first term, there are literally thousands of Trump fact-checking videos on youtube.

Trump doesn't care about democracy, he's as fascist as it comes. He only denounces the CCP to serve his anti-China narrative. When has he ever cared about Hong Kong before this whole debacle? Don't be stupid. If you buy into his bullcrap just because you hate the CCP (we all do, but that's not the point) then you've just become another gullible troll who's incapable of seeing the bigger picture and has no real understanding of what democracy truly means.

Not all enemies of your enemy are your friends. Stay woke.

BTW if you wanna find proof that Trump is a racist, just go and watch how he called peaceful BLM protestors thugs and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville "very fine people". He IS racist, zero doubt about it.


本帖最後由 rileyyk47 於 2020-8-10 18:48 編輯
唔會向由中共控制嘅antifa ...
kenneth 發表於 2020-8-10 18:32

The joke writes itself. You do know you're denouncing a nationalist yet defending a fascist right? Like you do have functioning brain cells to see that right?

Whatever, clearly you can't help the ignorant. Congratulations you've just aligned yourself with the neo-Nazis.

