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我等我在 發表於 2017-5-21 06:18

前年無留意, 上年已經係無上榜都有得候選+得獎 (e.g. 2016勁歌金曲優秀選第二回 - 泳兒得獎歌曲《我的情書》無過上榜)

It looks like 鏗鏗未來歌曲 RIP@TVB (as long as 月巴亻老 is in charge)


kevinlai1621 發表於 2017-5-21 11:21


如果三選二, I wish for 停止繁殖 + 查無此字. 不過 Phil Lam 要醒醒定定, 過去唱停止繁殖live


風雲5D 幾條友 有冇機



連Fred都係得2.5首 得HANA同佢有3首
nicholashin 發表於 2017-5-21 11:37

《七歳》唔錯, 不過月巴亻老多數會比HANA其他兩首電視歌


b01091018 發表於 2017-5-21 13:08

Lydia 劉敬雯首《反方向》呢, 有冇上過任何榜?


華納出席拿一兩個獎仔陪襯星夢蛋記, 不如只用TVB作為宣傳自己歌曲歌手其中一個平台


當今香港樂壇, 實力最雄厚一定係英皇環球東亞, 第二線就星夢同星娛樂, 其他全部都太細, 雖然臥虎藏龍
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-22 20:31

如果實力雄厚 = 年年有一大幾首 (let's say 3 to 5) 叫好又叫座 hit 歌 - I disagree - 細公司絕對有potential有能力做得到

如果實力雄厚 = 年年有多錢 market 自己歌手歌曲的唱片公司 - I agree 係英皇環球東亞

如果實力雄厚 = 年年"贊助"電台最多錢的唱片公司 - I once again agree 係英皇環球東亞 (maybe +星娛樂)

Back to the list, my 全女打 support goes to:

七歳 - HANA
小故事 - JW
深淵 - 王嘉儀
一隻小豬 - 泳兒
願望樹 - 胡琳
纏路 - 黃浩琳
獨愛 - 湯寶如
不藥而癒 - 鄧小巧
從不信自己 - 鍾舒漫
最後也分開 - 譚嘉儀


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-5-22 21:57 編輯
Kaybb 發表於 2017-5-22 21:13

TVB控制到有無得候選最男最女, 明明有上榜 #1 song 都無得候選 (e.g. 上年 楊千嬅 剛剛好, 今年 鏗鏗)

903也可以控制到有無得候選最男最女, 明明有一首或幾首好歌, 狗零衫就住就住播, 每週得三幾次 ap, 全年無歌上榜


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-5-23 12:55 編輯
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-22 22:17

It makes sense for 903 頒獎禮:

Joey 通常有多過一個獎項, 需要至少唱兩首歌, 坐足全晚有時間在台下看手機背歌詞, 然後台上完美表現俾後輩好榜樣 (unlike 手機陳近年總是忘記歌詞, "四季 Oh, I'm So Bad").

如果十大低位, 之後有個人大獎 (e.g. 2016), 或者有首十大低位, 有首十大高位, 之後又有個人大獎 (e.g 2015), 因為係現場表演, 有D樂隊要 set up, 有D歌手感動謝詞十幾分鐘, 造成延誤, 難以預測, 除非生病要去後台休息, 台下坐足全晚 (with toilet breaks) 係好過 on stand-by 比人 call.

當然 Joey 也有失禮時候 (e.g. 2014 撐起雨傘)

Anyway, 男歌手的候選歌, I have 大路 & weird taste:

衰仔大學 - 羅啟聰
查無此字 - 林奕匡
停止繁殖 - 林奕匡
巴別塔 - 陳柏宇
也許我們倦了吧 - 張子丰
幸福止痛 - 側田


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-5-23 17:42 編輯
我覺得上年陳柏宇值大獎多過欣宜, 無論個人素質定歌曲素質
《女神》四台都無最大獎, 唔叫"實至名歸"吧! ...
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 14:15

Let's face it, "實至名歸" is a distance memory since 2002.《傷逝》in terms of popularity and chart results 應該"實至名歸"得全剖四台歌曲大獎 (RTHK, 997, TVB 兩星期冠軍, 903 一星期冠軍, total = 四台七星期冠軍). In the end,《傷逝》RTHK & TVB only 金曲之一, 997 did better: 金曲之一 & 全球勁爆歌曲, 903頒獎禮Sally Yeh 坐足全晚無獎,《傷逝》諷刺地"實至名歸"得四台聯頒音樂歌曲大獎. 當年 Sally 係紅音樂 (under 蛋記).

Since then, it all went downhill. 蛋記 (armed with their then 又勤力又聽話的 raising star Joey Yung) started a real war on 四台頒獎典禮, which became 爭獎戰場 (as proven in 吳雨訪問楊千嬅 親口講到明邊年幫祖兒chur最女獎 http://www.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=26365532). 雪球效應從此發生: 不是誇張 to say 四台聯頒音樂大獎 (with all the early idealistic intention) eventually ruins 香港樂壇, relatively 友好競爭 as shown between Alan and Leslie; 梅姐, Sally, Sandy Lam and Faye Wong; or 四大天王不再. 有的是不再為音樂結團的生意人和被他們控制, 愛唱歌 and/or 愛獎項愛名利的棋子, 因為爭獎杯葛, 買ap, 買 online views, 蛋記 fake news 打壓對手, 壟斷, 幾家唱片公司 & TVB 衝突, Kingjer......

2016《女神》大獎成績至少比 2015《羅生門》好, 但是哪一首歌應該多D大獎係見人見智; 還有2016 903頒獎禮主題為「忘我 不忘本」, 《山林道》連第十位都無, 因為她懷孕不出席, 公司又細, RTHK and 997 都放棄 (thank God for CASH金帆音樂獎). 所以我好 grateful 我們有 online music forums like this, 至少我們可以分享, 爭論, 讚好, 批評香港歌曲, 香港歌手, 香港樂壇, 出自己 weekly 歌 charts, 撐自己 like 的獨立, 大細公司歌手, 年年為各四台頒獎結果爭論和生氣 (OK, maybe no one cares enough about TVB which is ironic as we are supposedly to discuss《2017勁歌金曲優秀選第一回》)

My ultimate dream is: Only 2 official yearly ceremonies in HK (可惜, 永不會發生)
1) One is 最佳 like 台灣金曲獎 (it's all about 製作, song quality, singer's performance, etc, as chosen by 香港音樂人 only, no 所謂專業DJs allowed), therefore, a much better and extended version of CASH金帆音樂獎 (今年失敗, 明年努力)
2) The other one is 最愛/最受歡迎獎: 所有獎項聽眾投票 only (so it's just all popularity votes, a numbers game)

As I am listening to 王嘉儀's《給男神的臉書》and rooting for《深淵》, thank you those of you who read my post, and peace out


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-5-23 19:57 編輯
流行曲 = 流行於大眾的歌曲 (不應該有優劣之分, 只有成功與否)
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 17:46

流行曲 = 流行於大眾的歌曲 was probably true back in the 90s (and prior) in HK (maybe true in early 00s). Nowadays, 什麼是流行於大眾的歌曲真係很難一貫定義, 因為 the Internet has created so many marketing, shopping and viewing 平台. 不聽 (or 很少) 聽收音機, 或從不 (or 很少) 在 YouTube 上觀看 MV 的 TVB 觀眾可能會以為TVB 每年金曲金獎 = 每年最流行的一首歌. 一首 YouTube 視頻比較高的廣東話歌曲並不意味著這是一首流行於香港大眾的熱門歌曲: 一百萬視頻可以係五十萬人, 每人兩次; 也可以係十萬人, 每人十次; 可以係 viewed by 五十萬香港人, 十萬海外華人; 也可以係三十萬香港人, 三十萬海外華人; let's not forget (or deny) 唱片公司買 views. 一首有一百萬視頻的"熱門"歌曲可以有 30% dislikes, 一首只有五十萬視頻的歌曲可以有 80% likes. 三個廣播電台因為利益關係因素, 狂播或狂 ban 某些歌手的歌 (去年《四季》簡直不知所謂).

至於流行曲應不應該有優劣之分, 這個我不知道, 因為這是一個非常個人的 value judgement.

流行曲事實上有沒有優劣之分 (let's not say 劣, let's say some better quality than others), 這個一定是有, otherwise why so many countries (at least 45 in the world) bother having music awards, and often 最佳 awards ≠ 最愛/最受歡迎 awards, and they are separate.


好多國家地區都有最佳XXX的獎項, 但這是否值得提倡呢?
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 20:09

US Grammy Awards - not so sure - the whole thing is more of a "self congratulatory" exercise than encouraging singers to work hard or promoting good music
台灣金曲獎 - absolutely 值得提倡 - 評審一向認真, 當然結果有人歡喜有人愁 (very sad there is no such thing in HK)
UK BRIT Awards - it's okay, a bit more serious than US Grammy
Australia ARIA Music Awards - one big joke (I am from Australia)

US Oscars (Academy Awards) is also a total joke, 最佳 is simply a popularity voting game among the past nominees and winners (who would NO WAY have seen all the movies they are supposed to judge and vote on)

michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 20:09

It depends. I'd say not relevant for English-speaking music awards, because they usually break them down into sub-categories anyway: Pop, Rock, R&B, Country, etc (e.g. it would be silly for Bjork to get "Pop" music awards, but it makes total sense for her to get "Alternative" / "Electronic" music awards under a Pop Music Awards Ceremony (her music since her 1997 album "Homogenic" is no way "流行", her 1995 album "Post" because of the song "It's Oh So Quiet" and "Army Of Me" could be regarded as "流行").

BTW, 希望我們不會被扣分扣到七顏


10年sammi and joey and miriam缺席rthk下, sammi and joey平分春色
15年其實如果俾汪明荃最女,16年 ...
Kaybb 發表於 2017-5-22 22:21
Ever since 2010 Miriam 缺席, RTHK seemed to loathe Miriam, and she (understandably) 不再出席.

"Miriam十大中文金曲 are:

, 火鳥, 好不容易遇見愛, 最好的債


michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 22:13

Bianca今年拍TVB劇 (assuming to be shown in 2018), TVB電視觀眾將會開始懂得她


Kaybb 發表於 2017-5-23 22:31

2010 東亞 RTHK
Miriam 缺席, 無歌曲獎, Miriam 有優秀流行歌手獎
Sammi 缺席, 不要驚動愛情 有歌曲獎, Sammi 無優秀流行歌手獎
Janice 缺席, 無歌曲獎, Janice 有優秀流行歌手獎

I guess this was 分豬肉 in action


michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 21:35

If the awards are called 最佳XXXX - absolutely (any serious musicians will agree)

If the awards are called 最受歡迎XXXX - not at all (any tom, dick and harry can vote)


Kaybb 發表於 2017-5-22 22:31

如果TVB觀眾因為《流行經典》投湯記成為2017最女,《獨愛》成為勁歌金曲之一, 好 !


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-5-24 01:46 編輯
我的意思是: 最佳XXX 獎項適用於流行曲嗎?
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 23:35

As I said before, 流行曲應不應該有優劣之分 (優劣 as you put it) and 應不應該有最佳XXX獎項, 這是一個非常個人的 value judgement. 我個人認為有好過無.

當然, 技術上一定可行, 不過這樣的獎項有意義嗎? 你製作首歌, 目的係流行, 不過偏偏要被評質素
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 23:35

年度最佳技術, 製作等提名及獎項有一定意義 - apart from the singer, a song is a 精神, 時間, 靈魂, 心血 of many people. While singers usually get all the glory, musicians, composers, lyricists, producers, sound engineers, etc, deserve recognition. 提名及獎項 (如果評審盡力做得公平認真), 提名及獎項是對音樂人一種尊敬及鼓勵.

製作首歌, 目的係流行, it's true for big record companies because they want hit songs and profit, after all, they are running a business.

被評質素 is an Artist's Curse: you create a song, an artwork, a poem, a movie and you put it out there, you WILL be judged. Unless you keep it to yourself forever, no one knows about it, then no one will judge you.

From an artist's perspective, 製作首歌, 目的係流行, it's not true for every artist. There are many many artists in the world who produce non-mainstream music, artwork, indie movies, not because they want their product to become 流行, it's because having ideas and creating these into whatever forms is in their blood, in their nature, an urge, or they want to express a message, an idea, an opinion, like TV and film documentaries. 如果你製作首歌, 目的只係為流行, why do so many indie artists make alternative music that are not K songs?

如果一首流行曲, 好多音樂人欣賞, 不過大眾完全不懂欣賞, 咁佢叫成功嗎? 我覺得好失敗
michaelycy_2007 發表於 2017-5-23 23:35

You are entitled to your opinions on this one. However, as I mentioned, 什麼是流行於大眾的歌曲真係很難一貫定義, 什麼是大眾? Kingjer's definition of 大眾 and Donald Trump's definition of 大眾 could be really different, especially in this era of fake news and alternative facts.



JayantL 發表於 2017-6-3 23:40

Coming from a broken family and having experience in front of camera myself, I understand how HANA feels (and I have a soft spot for her). I hope she is able to gradually build up her confidence more. However, I am not so sure about the music direction she is heading under 月巴圖

