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My first hand experience (living in an English-speaking country) is, don't waste time in America. Only white and black singers in America 可以紅. In the U.K. and Australia, white singers only (not sure about Canada).

As an Asian singer, no matter how brilliant of a singer you are, you can even sing in English with the right accent and accurate pronunciation, you will never be as popular as a white singer.

Song for Celine and her dad: 認命 - 王菀之 (讀白家燕姐)


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-6-21 13:39 編輯
from  個人簡介
佢1987年係歌唱比賽唱學友首你的名字和我姓氏 ...
阻住 發表於 2017-6-21 00:57

This so-called "Dr." is a liar liar, pants on fire!! This idiot is shameless! With a father like this, what kind of person will Celine turn out to be, so sad

1990 黎明《愛比我重要》? The song was released in 2000.
1989 許志安《唯獨妳是不可取替》? It was a 1993 song.
1988 張學友《每天愛你多一些》? It was a 1991 song.
1985 張學友《李香蘭》? 1990 song

Also, he must hate 李克勤, his name is missing next to 1990/1985《大會堂演奏廳》and it's a 1988 song.


佢成功, 可以鋪路比GEM 今年攻美大計,想講話鋪路比其他香港歌手, 不過香
港而家D 歌手既實力, 真 ...
hkchart 發表於 2017-6-21 12:26

Before anything big can happen for Celine in the US or any English-speaking country, she must undergo plastic surgery to look like a white girl (or at least a European-looking Eurasian girl).

Otherwise, just focus on making it big in China and other Asian countries, she will surely be this so-called Dr.'s 搖錢樹, sad but true.

Racism is subtle in some countries but very real (personal and family and friends' experiences).


本帖最後由 boy4dudes 於 2017-6-21 15:37 編輯
我係北美大, 你估我唔知, 當然有種族歧視, 但最緊要係你既表現比到佢地親切
感, 要夠外向,講到流利流利英文......
hkchart 發表於 2017-6-21 12:58

I was a bit sidetracked and talking about a potential long-term career in the US and other English-speaking countries. Unless there is a major cultural change, Celine will have to make herself look more European to have a chance to make it big in western countries (If Coco Lee 李玟 was not able to make it big, Celine really has to pull a rabbit out of a hat).

Actually, I agree with hkwilliamsiu - America's Got Talent 祗是用來製造聲勢而已, her dad will probably make Celine a 搖錢樹 in China, HK and other Asian countries and not waste time in America.

As for Celine's participation in America's Got Talent (as an one-off competition), she might go far with a bit of gimmick (e.g. singing both the male and female part of aCeline Dion duet, singing a Celine Dion French song, or singing a disco remix version of Celine Dion's "I Drove All Night").

但如果有個外國人,講廣東話正既, 個FEEL又好, 典型香港人既, 反而香港人都唔會咁歧視,- I agree, Corinna Chamberlain 陳明恩 is a great example, however, to be 典型香港人 like Corinna (who actually identifies herself as 香港人), you really need to grow up in HK like her. For an adult who is born and bred overseas, it is really hard to become 典型香港人 no matter how 正廣東話.

Because of Imperialism, colonialism and 崇洋, it's more likely for Asian people to accept and respect 洋 who learn and speak their languages than the other way around. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, many English-speaking non-Asian people will not particularly respect Asian people even if you speak fluent English - for them, it is just a simple requirement for them to even bother speaking to you. Not many of them would think: how nice of you growing up in an Asian countryand yet you learn and speak such good English.

如果你話舉例 少女時代 咩 BOA 個D , 拎去美國主打既歌又難聽, 上得一兩個主流節目, 性格又唔係美國人個杯茶,冇後台電臺唔播, 點紅呀﹖

性格 in theory 係美國人個杯茶 but you do not look right (white), 唔會 (e.g. Coco Lee 李玟, Lucy Liu 劉玉玲). So, G.E.M., Jane Zhang 張靚穎 and Celine can try all they want, without any cultural change (with Trump in charge, zero chance), it ain't gonna happen.

In Australia, we have Dami Im, Asian-looking (no plastic surgery done like most of K-Pop singers). She speaks fluent Aussie English, 有親切感, winner of 2013 X-factor Australia, runner-up of 2016 Eurovision, 4 years on, she is already forced to sing two 翻唱碟, her Eurovision runner-up song only made it to #5 after her Eurovision appearance (initially only made it to #37). She is still popular in her state (Queensland) but not in the other states anymore.

Racism is a really really sad thing, wish everyone were colourblind.


So is affirmative action. In the age of Trump, there is an urgency among the liberal entertainment ...
Bluejays 發表於 2017-6-21 18:46

Yes, it is sad that affirmative action needs to exist at all. The US entertainment industry is the worst and most hypocritical though: they claim to "celebrate" diversity, but what they have done is successful whitewashing. Also, The Academy Awards' track record (lack of black nominees and winners) is very telling. It would be more honest if they do not get on their rainbow complex high horse and admit that white writers and producers just want to make shows about well, white people. I guess, at least they are big enough to have Daniel Wu star in "Into The Badlands" and Maggie Q in "Nikita", and Lucy Liu being the sidekick in "Elementary". How they make being Asian an issue in every episode on "Fresh Off The Boat" is cringe-worthy. So bad that the Chinese-American Eddie Huang who wrote the book the show is based on left the show in at the beginning of second season due to creative differences.  

Netflix's "Sense8" supposedly celebrates diversity, but having the German, Indian, Korean, Mexican and Kenyan characters all speak in English instead of their mother tongue and using subtitles is whitewashing to the max. Plus the show (like many US shows) does have Asian men, of course they all play the baddies.  

UK used to be good at portraying people from different races and cultures and tell 3-diamentional human stories in the Police Drama "The Bill". Doesn't matter you are a white, black, brown, yellow actor, you can be police, victim, baddie, witness. But of course, the show is now history.

While I understand it is a pure commercial decision, having Matt Damon play the lead in the movie "The Great Wall", Scarlett Johansson in "Ghost In The Shell" really make me sick to the stomach.

Hopefully someone will rescue Celine from her father in the near future.

