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Joox 整左個OMJ playlist,預告唱咩歌
angelicdestiny 發表於 2017-12-30 02:04

A pretty decent rundown (if this is going to be the list or at least some of the songs). There's just so many good songs (classic ones and side track) so its nearly impossible to capture everything and ideally Janice has enough songs to do a different rundown for each of the 3 shows but it's probably not going to happen and beyond her capacity. Still feel that it will be a good show. For me I would like to hear all of the mando tracks from the debut EP.


Hope Tia Ray or Khalil Fong be one of the guests (both will be ideal).


NO encore?? Sad. But I will be watching live on Migu 1/14 last show.


本帖最後由 leongl 於 2018-1-12 23:04 編輯
珍妮絲的告白 同 AT 17 可以去廁所。
kk8733 發表於 2018-1-12 22:57

Was listening to 珍妮絲的告白  yesterday. One of my favorites and happy she choose this song! At17 also great (had a prediction might be them). Janice has a good taste for canton pop by choosing at17 to be the guest because its not everyone's cup of tea. Janice mention back in 2010 wanting to invite at17 for the Fairy concert, but I assume Amusic did not allow that and ended up only A music singers Aarif and JW as guest) I wish there was Janice x at17 singing girls girls girls. Only 1 song is not enough but better then nothing



兩個鐘就完show會唔會 ...
JayantL 發表於 2018-1-12 23:32

Haters gonna hate. We all have our biases towards singers so best to ignore those comments.


2010 fairy Janice mention wanting to invite at17 and Eason. Let’s hope Eason will be a guest.


華納同環球 關係唔錯咁

大唔透 發表於 2018-1-13 22:13

Gin Lee and Kendy 來看show
AGA 做嘉賓
Kary 送花籃

lots of love


本帖最後由 leongl 於 2018-1-14 10:17 編輯

第一場在YouTube上.  一個非常好的氣氛,尤其是Encore and opening部分。在整個晚上唱完每首歌之後,還有很多的歡呼聲.  看到所有的支持者(有來自亞洲,新西蘭,美國各地的粉絲),她走了很長的路成為一個天后級歌手。 希望她在2018年繼續努力


本帖最後由 leongl 於 2018-1-15 01:00 編輯

從youtube剪輯,觀眾在每首歌后都基本上歡呼起來。 即使離家出走,觀眾也開始唱歌。 我猜每個人都有自己的perspective.
不是唱片公司期待的少,而是對於Janice,每一場演出都是一樣的,因為她每年都會做很多show(大陸巡演)。 每次它的歌曲都是一樣的,所以這次考慮突破rundown.
Janice現在的重點應該是製作更多不同種類的音樂。 但是,如果她將來繼續這樣的表演風格,那肯定還是滿堂的。



我坐樓下 (明星個邊)我想講 我地個邊開場係不斷有人企起身high 但保安人員不斷開燈叫我地坐番低  ...
rfv123 發表於 2018-1-15 00:39

    男和音是華納新人. 相信很快有機會見到他   LOL


本帖最後由 leongl 於 2018-1-15 01:30 編輯
睇左好多片... 上次紅館衫台定製作都sharp醒好多
我諗呢個show唯一好 ...
721AXA 發表於 2018-1-15 01:08


Walking to the future的服裝和造型純粹是誇張的,而不是她的。 只要公司告訴她穿。 這一次,一切都是自然而完美的,是。 簡單是Janice的真實形象.  Fairy和OMJ是兩個最好的show。 但Fairy代表了她職業生涯的不同階段(第一個高峰結束), OMJ 第2個高峰開始.


本帖最後由 leongl 於 2018-1-15 01:59 編輯
回復  leongl
angelicdestiny 發表於 2018-1-15 01:33

Just saying that Jancie and the warner team probably sees concerts as second nature (something she obviously should be doing) and have not found a way to break out of the comfort zone and do a more uniform concert, but this is because of the limited genres of songs she has in the past. I keep myself updated with all the shows Janice did last year and the year before and its basically the same songs over and over again. So my perspective is that Janice did in fact got bored singing the same songs on stage and even she mention wanting to do smaller shows or something different. I'm comparing this to a the RTHK 40th anniversary recap video on Faye Wong and how she said she does not like doing concerts much because its the same to her (singing same songs and just standing on stage).  I just thought that was interesting..

Also with Janice's situation she has many opportunities to perform at HKC and will continue to do so in future so perhaps she has less pressure to make a big massive unforgettable show. Its not that she takes it for granted or don't work hard because in fact she did do a good job, but I think the high expectations from some fans will be fulfilled in the future when she continue to expand her music genres and find something different that works for her on stage. Also people don't realize this OMJ concert was a fast turnaround in terms of preparation (announced in June last year but they probably haven't prepared for it until couple months before the show).  In comparison to JW, she did give it her all as if she won't have another opportunity and I think she earned herself more opportunities in the future at HKC.

