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N年前做過一次,想好似美國SAG咁又電視又電影(結果太小圈子, 一年收皮)

cakeiii2000 發表於 2019-1-2 18:06

Really? Do you have more information? Would love to read more about that.

I think a 演藝人協會 award could work actually. The Grammys/Oscars are given by the industry as well. It obviously takes time to build recognition, but with the non-903 awards all lacking social media recognition, now would be a pretty good time to start. Open TV should jump to this opportunity to get media rights. They need a marquee event also. If done right, this can be recognized as a main event within a decade.

I hope they try.



1. 評審得30人 (美國SAG係所有會員都有得投)
2. 評審認受性受質疑,公佈過 ...
cakeiii2000 發表於 2019-1-3 00:04

Thanks! They can definitely do better than 30 people. Start with everyone who won any music award in the last five years (kind of like how the Oscars invite past nominees to be members), including the composers/arrangers etc OR everyone who release an album in the last five years. Add some wild card honorary members (like Alan Tam, Andy Lau, etc.) and we are good to go.

