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但WI MI真係可疑到爆
明明3點4點幾 90%已點算
Trump 好似領先2-3%
仲要幾 ...
michael344 發表於 2020-11-5 00:30

The mail-in vote batch that pushed Biden ahead of Trump in Wisconsin was 145k vs 24k ... that's 86% vs 14%.

The mail-in votes were truly that blue.

Mail-in votes are those who believe in Covid, all voting for Biden. Same day votes are those who do not believe in Covid, all voting for Trump. Wisconsin was having a HUGE Covid outbreak.
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Decision Desk HQ係一個非官方既報票網站
得佢一個source既圖就認定係事實 可唔可以理性啲去分析件事

唔 ...
JasOh103 發表於 2020-11-5 10:16

That was a typo at Decision Desk HQ.

Most posts on Twitter later acknowledged it was a typo and amended their post. But the earlier posts are still circulated as if it's the truth without acknowledging the typo.
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Trump 支持者係唔相信武肺威力,定係唔相信Trump冇控制疫情?
powerful 發表於 2020-11-5 14:24

Trump's hardcore supporters believe Covid is a liberal hoax. There is no Covid. It was the biggest scam of the century.
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我討厭民主黨(包括 Obama,Hillary)
我由 2008年 開始,只支持 Biden 一個人

此刻令我覺得最舒服嘅一個 group
係 一班 anti-Trump Republicans
因為得佢哋 100% 明白,Biden 係代表乜野
Centrist Anti-Elitism,連民主黨都唔明
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有一大批人都認為 Biden 係代表緊精英政治,睇下佢若然當選可唔可以擺脫呢種印象,同埋對於香港人黎講,只要抗共有實效,大家就會收聲。
powerful 發表於 2020-11-5 14:24

現在 參議院 繼續係 共和黨大多數
激進左派冇得迫 Biden 傾左,希望 Biden 可以有機會做回自己

冇諗過到最後,要由一班 moderate conservatives 去撐 一個 centrist liberal
呢班 anti-Trump Republicans 講明,大選後 佢哋唔會過問 Biden 嘅方案
只會視 保護 Biden 嘅 agenda 為己任,去對抗所有共和黨參議員
要對抗 激進左右派 兩極,centrists must unite
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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-5 18:43 編輯
關鍵就係舞弊係咪基於事實根據,連權威 fact check 網站都已經澄清既新聞就唔應該再亂傳。

將美國選舉制 ...
powerful 發表於 2020-11-5 18:04

我好想將我過去12年睇過,過千篇嘅 Biden 文章

大家係從 pro-Trump 新聞 去間接認識 Biden
根本冇通過 任何唔經染色 嘅報導 去直接認識 Biden

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快D post 啦
powerful 發表於 2020-11-5 18:44

唔知由邊度入手 ... 反正冇人睇,睇完又會話 so what

Post 兩個 "This Is Joe Biden When No One Is Watching" 吧


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Joe's wife and baby daughter were killed in a car crash in 1972 .... Joe's sons Beau (aged 4) and Hunter (aged 3) were in the same car and were seriously injured .... in 2015, Beau died from brain cancer ... Hunter became the sole survivor of that car accident

From the Twitter of Hunter Biden's daughter:

My dad has never sought the spotlight. Growing up, when I attended political events with my pop people would ask if I was Beau’s daughter or “Beau’s brother's daughter.” He liked it that way. He found his purpose in doing everything in his power to help Beau achieve his dream.

He and Beau were one. One heart, one soul, one mind.

They grew up with the weight of knowing that each day they lived was a day that their sister, my namesake, and their mother lost. But they had each other and that would be enough. They would make sure it was enough.

When my uncle got sick, my dad never missed a single doctors appointment or chemo treatment. When he got sicker, my dad lived out of a suitcase and slept in the chair next to his hospital bed for two months. He held his hand as he lost his brother and a big piece of himself too.
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On how Biden handled the 2009 Recovery Act


一入到呢啲硬料就會好悶,但主要係睇佢嘅 能力 性格
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A progressive liberal coming to terms with Biden as a centrist:


"Rhetorically, Biden has run as Barack Obama’s vice president, harkening back in his service in the last Democratic White House. But Biden’s approach to politics was formed in the Senate, and substantively, that’s the approach that’s come to define his campaign. For all that Biden has talked about governing like Obama, he’s winning very much like himself."
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A conservative, writing from an anti-liberal angle ... not a positive piece on Biden ... but describes the centrist well

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呢篇其實幾解釋到香港人對拜登既憂慮,就係怕佢太識妥協會同中共傾deal,不過呢個係佢可以凝聚歐洲盟友 ...
powerful 發表於 2020-11-5 20:15

有一篇係 Biden 啲 幕僚 講 Biden 面對外國領袖有幾強硬
未搵得翻出嚟,用過好多 keywords 去 search 都未搵得翻
你知啲中東領袖啲名,我串唔翻出嚟去做 keywords :P
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Brett McGurk - Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS (2015-2018):

"I've heard him on the phone with some pretty tough characters. You know you talk about Joe Biden's empathy, his decency. But Joe Biden is tough as nails and everybody knows it"

呢個 quote 係 from 另一度講 foreign policy 嘅

我想搵翻嗰篇,係講 Obama 需要 Biden 喺好短時間內游說一個 中東領袖 做一樣野,Biden 將佢自己同個中東人關埋喺白宮一間房,態度好強硬,在場嘅幕僚比 Biden 嚇親。
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其實拜登對台灣嘅態度點覺得小英都打定輸數 擔心台灣會變返以前咁孤立無援 ...
小伙子. 發表於 2020-11-5 21:51


Biden 雖然唔 ideological,但佢有一樣最唔接受,就係 abuse of power
佢其他所有嘅信念,都係由唔接受 abuse of power 度演變出嚟的
唔接受 abuse of power,其中一個 translation,就係支持人權


Biden 係出名 唔記仇 的
最出名個故事係,88年寫左篇文,令 Biden 要退選總統 個記者
以為 Biden 一世都唔會再同佢講野
但 Biden 幾十年嚟 都當佢 同其他記者一樣看待
喺 Beau Biden 病重時,呢個記者仲要係少數 Biden 有講內情佢知嘅人

(我提呢個 point,係因為見有啲「台灣押錯注喇」嘅說法)
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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-6 00:40 編輯

Biden 雖然唔 ideological,但佢有一樣最唔接受,就係 abuse of power
佢其他所有嘅信念,都係由唔 ...
Bluejays 發表於 2020-11-6 00:24

我喺 #108 post 嗰篇文,解釋左 Biden 係一個尋找 中間位 嘅政客
所以估 Biden 會點樣做係冇意思的
總之 美國人 / 國防部 / 國家安全部 / 國會 / 民主黨 個 中間位 喺邊,Biden 就喺邊

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Trump's lawsuits won't make a difference except delaying the confirmation of who wins.

The real drama is in this following step - you need to read both to get all the arguments


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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-6 22:20 編輯

Decision Desk HQ has called Penn and the election for Joe Biden
(there are total 9 decision desks ... 1 has called it so far)

You can check here for when the other Decision Desks are calling:
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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-8 00:27 編輯
kaman921 發表於 2020-11-7 20:22

The girl's father said in interviews that Biden knew the girl since she was born and Biden is a long time friend of the family. The girl is the daughter of the senator from Biden's state.

The photo was taken during a public senate event with full press and cameras. The parents of all the kids were right next to the kids when Biden talked to the kids.

In a more recent interview, the father said her daughter was never bothered by Biden but is bothered by the fact that she has become more famous than her father.


The other iconic photo of Biden's hands on a woman's shoulder was condemned by the woman herself in this post:


Her post ends with this:

"I won’t pretend that this will be the last of that picture, but it will be the last of other people speaking for me."

It is the same message the father of the girl above is sending for his daughter.
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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-8 00:25 編輯
The same country that voted for a president who said

"I don't think Ivanka would do that, althou ...
kin888 發表於 2020-11-7 20:52

Read my post above.

The woman and the girl in the Biden photos have spoken out for themselves.

And as the woman said in her post, it is her story and she owns it. Not us.
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本帖最後由 Bluejays 於 2020-11-8 02:50 編輯
powerful 發表於 2020-11-8 01:17

I know.

My point is, there is no need to use Trump as an anti-example when there are more straight forward comments available from the woman and the girl in the Biden photos themselves.

The arguments are always so Trump-centric. Because no one bothers to dig up the news from the Biden side.

I don't always need to make an anti-Trump case (although I can of course) because I can make a pro-Biden case. I never need to mention Trump to make my case.

*** The girl's father is Chris Coons. I actually follow Chris Coons as well. So I am defending Chris Coons' daughter as well as defending Biden. It's Maggie Coons' story and she owns it. She has the final right to what she thinks. ***
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Yes. I am just more concerned that Hong Kong people are apparently ok with Trump's own terrible hi ...
kin888 發表於 2020-11-8 01:13

I agree it's important to point this out.

HKers may not be familiar with Trump's relationship with Ivanka, especially the photos of the two them.
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引起好多美國人不滿添 ...
kenneth 發表於 2020-11-15 09:49


一去到 攣童、人口販賣,就係 QAnon 嘅範圍
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kenneth 發表於 2020-11-15 19:49

你係相信 QAnon
定係認為 QAnon 被主流 錯誤定位
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對左派閪霉表示 絕對不信任
kenneth 發表於 2020-11-15 22:35

你可以從 右派報導 去理解 QAnon,然後再決定你信唔信 QAnon 啊
但總之涉及攣童、人口販賣,就一定要睇埋 QAnon 先可以作決定
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