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IVE的洗腦新歌〈Love Dive〉宣美也有收到提案!親自公開拒絕原因,網友:一聽到這首歌就想到宣美

新人女團 IVE 近期推出了第二張單曲專輯,同名主打歌〈Love Dive〉也收穫不少好評,偶像前輩宣美則在 VLIVE 上分享了對這首歌的喜愛。

宣美在推薦歌曲時,播到〈Love Dive〉後舞動著身體說:「其實這首歌我有收到Demo(樣本),雖然很符合我的取向(喜好),但是我覺得比起我一個人唱,還是讓組合來唱更好。」也解釋了應該讓擁有更多魅力的成員來詮釋,一邊苦惱著也感到有些遺憾。

接著就看到網友說「〈Love Dive〉真的很有宣美的風格」,宣美瞪大眼睛反問:「真的嗎?」接著表示自己很喜歡這首歌,尤其是它擁有2000年代初期的氛圍,每個環節都有不同的音樂色彩,還接著稱讚後輩,認為由 IVE 來唱也變成更帥氣更棒的作品了。

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Intro最正係佢地,但講真重新編曲最hea,唔敢諗玟瑩未加意見嘅版本係點Rollin' 直接用2018new version{ ...
zab5343 發表於 2022-4-16 19:34


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Dream Catcher's 2nd full album 'Apocalypse : Save Us' has risen to the top of iTunes album charts in 20 countries, shortly after its release on April 12.

As of April 13 KST, 'Apocalypse : Save Us' has topped iTunes album charts in countries including the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Vietnam, and more, for a total of 20 different regions. Furthermore, Dream Catcher have now become the 5th ever K-Pop girl group to top the U.S. iTunes album chart with a comeback album, after Red Velvet, TWICE, BLACKPINK, and LOONA.

Meanwhile, Dream Catcher's 'Apocalypse : Save Us' kicks off a new chapter of the girl group's universe, and signals the first installment of the 'Apocalypse' trilogy. The album's title track is "Maison", containing a warning message for the safety of the planet and the environment.

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Viewers have much to say about the results of this week's 'Queendom 2'

According to the latest episode, Hyolyn once again got a perfect score and took first place, followed by LOONA, Cosmic Girls, VIVIZ, Kep1er, and lastly, Brave Girls. Many netizens wondered why Brave Girls had received such a low score when their latest performance was good.

Netizens commented, "I think Hyolyn's stage was really dominating," "I don't think Brave Girls should be in that ranking, I really can't accept the ranking," "I agree with Hyolyn's result but to be honest, I thought Brave Girls would be second place after Hyolyn. I can't believe that they're in last place," "Hyolyn really did so well," "Then Brave Girls are disqualified now?" "I can't believe Brave Girls are last place, I thought they would at least be third place," "I can only agree with first place on 'Queendom,' lol," "That seems wrong that Brave Girls are last place," "This is the final ranking for the second round?" and "What is going on? Why is Brave Girls last place?"
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韓仔不嬲都係 Blind 黎
Kepler 最差就緊
本月有啲亂, 但首歌個Popularity 夠高
BG  ...
釘釘 發表於 2022-4-26 09:07
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好在觀眾眼睛係雪亮,大部份人都話Brave Girls值第二第三。
上星期睇完冇晒心機。只希望BG往後造自己專輯要 ...
zab5343 發表於 2022-4-26 19:04
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


1.DREAMCATCHER 1932天(2022.04.20)
2.Brave Girls 1854天(2021.03.14)
3.CLC 1427天(2019.02.12 No) (現剩下3名成員)
4.Girl's Day 1095天(2013.07.07) (表示不會解散)
5.DIA 1066天(2018.08.14) (現剩下6名成員)
6.EXID 1060天(2015.01.08) (表示不會解散)

今晚The Show再奪得第2個,冇底聲版嘅encore live相當接近CD ver, 粗卡
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Kepler真係好扮可愛。如果有真專業評審,保證永久包尾囉!!!!!!!選秀節目出身但實力真係好唔凸 ...
zab5343 發表於 2022-4-30 08:54
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


本帖最後由 SugarFree 於 2022-5-20 18:57 編輯


據歌謠界人士透露稱,DIA計畫在今年8月發行最後一張專輯,包括鄭彩娟在內的6位成員都將參與宣傳活動,向粉絲們做一次美麗的告別,結束之後各謀發展。 DIA上一張專輯還是2020年6月的迷你六輯《Flower 4 Seasons》,經歷了接近2年2個月的空白期之後終於在今天預告回歸。 DIA和PocketDol Studio的合約將在今年9月到期,這將是她們在該公司的最後一張專輯。

DIA在2015年發行正規一輯《Do It Amazing》出道,一開始有7位成員,經歷變更後穩定在現在的Eunice、主恩、熙賢、豫彬、彩娟和恩彩6位成員,還有BinChaenHyunSeu和L.U.B等小分隊。 彩娟在2016年參加Mnet《Produce 101》后加入限定女團I.O.I活動一年,目前同時作為演員活動、即將在MBC新劇《金湯匙》裡擔任第一女主角。 豫彬在KBS 2TV《The Unit》中勝出后兼顧UNI.T的活動,還發行了SOLO曲。 領唱主恩也不時通過DIA的Youtube頻道發行cover歌曲影片,很受粉絲喜愛。不管以後是否有機會在一起,都祝福她們有更好的發展。

you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


本帖最後由 SugarFree 於 2022-5-20 18:57 編輯


3月18日,CUBE Entertainment 公告丞延和睿恩在合約到期後離開公司,她們是繼2021年2月的 Elkie、2021年11月的 Sorn 之後離開團體的第三、四位成員。

稍早,CUBE Ent. 發表了下列聲明:

大家好,這裡是 CUBE Ent.。

首先,我們要向大家致以最深切的謝意,感謝大家在過去七年裡對 CLC 的熱愛和支持。

隨著 CLC 的官方活動結束,CLC U CUBE 將在2022年6月6日結束運營。

計劃再保留一段時間讓大家讀取文章,以便保留與回顧與 CLC 成員的寶貴回憶。

you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


'Queendom 2' reveals this week's shocking results of Brave Girls who were at the risk of being eliminated from the show

Brave Girls soared to the top in the latest episode of 'Queendom 2' after being at the risk of being eliminated from the show. The 3rd round of the competition was held on Mnet's entertainment program 'Queendom 2', which was broadcast on the 26th.

LOONA sang "Butterfly" for their fans while Brave Girls performed "Red Sun," which is somewhat unfamiliar to the public. The other teams also showed support for Brave Girls while watching their "Red Sun" performance and commented, "This is a story that only Brave Girls can do," "Of course, performance is important but I think this performance is so good because they put their sincerity in it," and "I wish they were always happy."

Despite the members expecting to be in the lowest ranking, Brave Girls took first place in the final round with the highest score. The members couldn't believe it and shed tears of joy. Throughout the show, Brave Girls remained in the lowest ranking, leaving them at risk of being eliminated. However, they soared high in this week's round as they took home first place.

評分項目依次為: 集體評價分數|Global評價分數|現場評價分數|3次競演1round分數|合計
一位: Brave Girls|二位: 宇宙少女|三位: 本月少女|四位: 孝琳|五位: VIVIZ|六位: Kepler
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


Brave Girls終於吐氣揚盾
zab5343 發表於 2022-5-27 14:36
red sun嘅歌詞本身都好勵志,同佢地平時主打行開嘅復古sexy concept好唔同,而且改編版比原版好聽同感人好多,個表演本身都好貼合主題
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Red sun拎黎做廣告歌,仲以勇敢兄弟真係大把靚貨到咁。
可惜Summer Queen之後仲未出現正野。
我覺得連 Whsit ...
zab5343 發表於 2022-5-27 22:55

whistle D歌詞似乎係專為queendom而寫,但曲就真係冇想像中咁突出,勇敢兄弟係咪開始技窮明明以前佢畀大雪碧d歌我已經覺得好似倉底貨
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~


始終Summer Queen 除左Fever, 其他 ...
zab5343 發表於 2022-5-28 21:14
you can kiss a hundred boys in bars~shoot another shot~try to stop the feeling~



從5月20日以來,韓國各大高校正想舉辦大學祭典,因為是時隔3年的線下活動,每個學校都鉚足了勁請來當紅愛豆助陣,高麗大學26日邀請的則是女團aespa。 只是公演結束之後,學校的貼吧裡就出現了吐槽帖子,批評aespa的演出毫無誠意,4首歌曲竟然全部都是對口型假唱。 據悉高麗大學為了請到aespa給出了高達5000萬韓元的出場費,是韓流所有參加校慶演出愛豆中薪酬最高的一組,按理說aespa應該表現得最賣力才行,結果她們拿著最多錢貢獻了最差的舞台,難怪學生們氣到要發帖吐槽。

最尷尬的是aespa成員對口型假唱還被現場戳穿,演出一結束就有大學生在校內貼吧吐槽WINTER假裝即興飆高音,寧寧一邊對口型一邊調麥,如此不專業不敬業的態度真心是粉絲看了都直搖頭的程度。 假唱事件持續發酵,對aespa的批評也從校內網傳播到了全網,先是高麗大學的學生吐槽:「其他歌手賣力演出到汗流浹背,在等後許久的學生面前她們居然只對口型,演出完就去了其他學校趕場。作為歌手,比起舞蹈最基本的還是唱歌,不能以舞蹈為藉口不唱歌,那和伴舞沒區別。」再有廣大網友也猛批aespa,稱:「唱完4首歌又去其他學校,真的和AI一樣」、「還不如讓一起參加演出的樂童音樂家一直表演」、「一開始我只是懷疑,直到樂童音樂家開口我才聽出區別,太失望了」、「她們一直不開麥」等。

早在去年,aespa曾一度陷入對口型爭議中,音樂節目上消除MR版本的两段影片在網路上火速傳播。一則是正式演出,消除MR後成員們的歌喉過於完美被質疑根本不是Live,另一則是安可舞台,成員們被指歌唱水平嚴重不足。沒想到才過去大半年團隊又發生了同樣的事情, 不少韓國粉絲都表示無語,不想再替團隊解釋。
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KARA members surprise fans on 'KAMILIA Day' with a 15th anniversary reunion featuring old & new members

On June 11 at 12 PM KST, which officially marks 'KAMILIA Day', KARA members Gyuri, Seungyeon, Nicole, Jiyoung, and Youngji greeted fans by sharing lovely family photos taken for the group's 15th anniversary. The ladies dressed up in matching colors of white and black as they smiled brightly together, expressing their gratitude toward their fans.

In particular, the reunion came across as a wonderful surprise for KAMILIAs due to the fact that it was the first time members Nicole, Jiyoung, and Youngji were seen together in the group. Youngji joined KARA in 2014, some time after Nicole and Jiyoung departed from the group to pursue solo activities.
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A girl group from a smaller-sized agency that is gaining popularity

Billlie has been gaining popularity as members Tzuki, Suhyeon, Sua, Sheon, Siyoon, Haruna, and Haram are making an impression among fans and netizens. In particular, Tzuki has mesmerized fans with her adorable and vivid facial expressions during performances on music programs, and Moon Sua has been recognized for her resemblance to her older brother Moonbin from ASTRO.

In particular, the girl group's music chart record increased slowly as word of mouth got out about the girl group. They were in the 200 rankings when they first debuted but made their way up to around the 50th place. Many are now expecting the girl group to rise higher the more popularity they gain.

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ASTRO經紀公司證實文彬成為天上星星 傳20日是文彬媽媽生日網友心碎



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